Thursday, January 25, 2007

Sherri's Helpful Hints

Using Spices

  • Allspice - Sold whole or ground. Strong flavor-therefore better combined with other spices in fruit, cakes, pies, pickles, etc.

  • Basil - Basil is a member of the mint family. It has a taste slightly like licorice. Use Basil with: Eggs, Fish, Lamb,Peas, Squash and Tomatoes. You can buy Basil fresh or dried.

  • Caraway - Seeds have a spicy smell and aromatic taste. Used in baked fruit, cakes, breads, soups, cheese and sauerkraut.

  • Cardamom - Flavor especially good in combination with honey. Use for some baked goods.

  • Cayenne Pepper - Usually obtained from small fruited varieties of capsicum. It should be of dull red color. May be used in very small amounts in vegetables and in some salad dressing and in cheese dishes. It must be used with care, however, and paprika, a milder form of red pepper, is successfully substituted.

  • Chervil - Chervil is a member of the Parsley family. A nice, mild herb. Use with chicken, egg casseroles, green salads and peas. Buy fresh or dried.

  • Cloves - Should be dark brown in color. usually used in combination with other spices, which gives a better flavor when used alone. Too much gives an undesirable color as well as a bitter flavor.

  • Curry Powder - A number of spices combined in proper proportion to give a distinct flavor to such savory dishes as meat, poultry, fish and vegetables.

  • Dill - Dill is a member of the Parlsey Family. Similar to Caraway, but milder flavor. Good with cottage cheese, fish, tomatoes and Potatoes. Buy fresh or dried.

  • Fennel - Fennel is a member of the Parsley family. The seeds have a licorice flavor. Good with Breads, Fish, Sauces and Soups.Buy Fresh or dried.

  • Mace - The inner envelope of nutmegs. May be used in "blade" or ground.

  • Marjoram - Marjoram is a member of the mint family. Nicely Aromatic. Use with beef, cheese, chicken, eggs, fish chowder, lamb, pork and for stuffings. Buy Fresh or dried.

  • Mint - May be used fresh in salads, fruit beverages, jellies, conserves, ices, iced tea, sauces for meats, and added minced to carrots and peas. Good with apple combinations.

  • Mustard - Sold whole or ground. Gives good flavor; used alone in small amount in various soups, meat dishes, pastry and in such dough mixtures as fancy breads, dumplings and in some puddings; also in combination with other spices for pickles.

  • Nutmeg - This is useful in many dishes and adds a nice touch to: Eggnog, Apple Pie, green beans, creamed onions, sweet potatoes, creamed fish and chicken dishes, pork chops, and in stuffings. You can also use in fruit compotes, custards and ice creams! Try buying your nutmegs who and using a nutmeg grater for the best flavor!

  • Oregano - Oregano is a member of the mint family. It has a strong odor and has a nice, bitter taste. Use with Pizza, Tomatoes, Veal and Vegetable Salads.Buy Fresh or Dried.

  • Paprika - A Hungarian sweet pepper. Bright red in color. May be used in all meat and vegetable salads. In soups, both cream and stock. As a garnish for potatoes, cream cheese, fruit salads and eggs.

  • Pepper (Black) - Reduced to proper fineness by grinding and sifting. Used in all meat and vegetable dishes where the color does not affect the product.

  • Peppercorn - The whole berry of the pepper plant. Pepper (White) - Practically the same as black pepper except the the outer shell of pericarp of the berry is removed. Use where color of black pepper is undesirable.

  • Rosemary - A member of the evergreen shrub. It has a slight piny taste. Use with duck, fish, lamb, potatoes, stuffing, and veal. Buy Fresh or Dried.

  • Sage - Used fresh and dried. May be used in poultry and meat stuffings; in sausage and practically all meat combinations; also in cheese and vegetable combinations, vegetable loaf, patties, etc. The flowers are sometimes used in salads.

  • Savory (Summer) - Agreeable flavor, blends well with other flavors; may be used in stuffings for meat, in vegetable soups, in sausage, with meats and with horseradish.

  • Savory (Winter)- May be used in the same way as Summer savory.

  • Tarragon - Leaves have a hot, pungent taste. Valuable to use in all salads and sauces. Excellent in Tartar Sauce. Leaves are pickled with gherkins. Used to flavor vinegar.

  • Thyme- Leaves, green or dried, valuable for use in stuffing, sauces, soups and meats.

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