Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sherri's Helpful Hints

Garden Tips
  • When growing sweet peas from seed, two-thirds fill pot with compost and water well, top up with dry compost and plant seed at about 1/2 inch beneath surface of compost. This way the seed with draw up as much water as required and will not rot away.
  • To prevent slugs getting to plants in containers, smear outside of container with petroleum jelly or WD40.
  • Grow varieties of plants that require little or no staking and plant closely so they support each other.
  • Spray weeds which are well established in a rock garden and paving with a glyphosate herbicide. This kills the entire plant without having to dig them out.
  • Mix perlite in with the potting compost in patio planters and hanging baskets. It absorbs moisture when water is plentiful and releases it when the compost is dry.
  • When planting container grown plants, disturb the roots as little as possible so that they continue to benefit from the compost they are grown in. Water as usual after planting.
  • When planting bare rooted trees and shrubs, spread the roots out like an umbrella, twisted roots stunt growth. As you cover the roots with soil shake the plant from time to time to allow the soil to drop down well between them. Water well after planting.
    Put support stakes in before you plant a new tree to avoid the possibility of damaging the roots.
  • A circle of twigs about 500mm high (20ins), provides a better support for border plants than a single stake, and is less obtrusive.
  • Slice your apples crosswise to evaluate pollination. There are five seed pockets with a potential of two seeds in each. If there are 8-10 fully developed seeds you are in good shape. If less, then the apple is not all it could be and you need to work on better pollination. Either you need more bees or a pollenizer variety.
  • If tender buds or shoots become frozen, thaw them out slowly by spraying with cold water before the sun shines, otherwise they may get scorched.
  • To avoid tender plants getting damaged by frost, listen to the weather forecast and protect delicate plants with newspaper or old clothes.
  • To prevent snow damaging small conifers, when it is forecast tie the branches to the trunk with string, however, do not leave them tied for more than a day or two.
  • As long as you don't mind how they look, old car tires make a good temporary cold frames for new seedlings. Sow the seeds inside the tire and place a piece of glass or clear plastic on top. The rubber absorbs the heat during the day and releases it over night.
  • If you find handles of tools, mowers and shears uncomfortable to hold try buying a foam bicycle handlebar grip. Slip the grips over the tool handles, using washing up liquid or Vaseline if it proves difficult. If the handle in question is continuous try slitting the grip horizontally to allow it to be slipped over the handle. Pipe insulating foam may also work.
  • Always buy strong, good quality tools and look after them well. If you can afford it buy stainless steel as they will last a lifetime and are easier to clean. When choosing tools pick them up and try out for balance and weight.
  • Before filling a strawberry barrel with compost stand a piece of drainpipe or cardboard tube upright in the center and fill with pebbles. As you fill with compost gradually remove the tube releasing the pebbles. This will act as a central drainage system preventing the soil from becoming waterlogged.
  • Hanging baskets need watering twice a day; to make this easier consider attaching them to a pulley system available from garden centers.
  • Water hanging baskets by putting ice cubes on the top, moisture is slowly released as the ice cubes melt. Ensure these do not touch the plants as this may cause damage.
  • If your hose springs a leak it can be temporarily repaired by inserting a cocktail stick into the hole. Snap the stick off as close to the hose as possible and wrap around with insulating tape or waterproof tape (if available). This should extend by about 2" each side of the hole. As the wood absorbs the water it will expand and seal the hole.
  • An old wheel rim makes an ideal storage place for a garden hose when not in use. This can be hung on a garage or shed wall.
  • The cheapest way to make an arc in your garden is to buy some plastic water piping then drive four star pickets into the ground the with of the wire then slip the piping over the star pickets then attach the wire and you have got an arc you can grow grapes passionfruit climbing beans etc on it.
  • Labels made from colored plastic bottles can be used for labelling different types of plants e.g. blue = hardy, yellow = trailers etc.
  • To stop fencing boards splitting when driving nails, cut the head of a nail of the same size to that being used, put the nail in an electric drill and drill the boards where the nails are to be positioned, hammer in your nails, no more split timber.
  • I think you could also use a drill bit of a size slightly smaller than the nail and I have also been told that if you blunt the point of the nail being used by scraping on sandpaper or cement this prevents wood splitting.

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